Do I need to make an appointment to have my blood collected?

Some Guthrie locations require an appointment. Take a moment to call the Guthrie location to confirm availability. Guthrie Sayre blood collection appointments are available using your eGuthrie account.

May I submit my lab orders prior to blood collection?

Yes. We recommend providing laboratory orders one week in advance. Orders may be submitted by:

Laboratory orders received prior to specimen collection are evaluated and entered in the computer system, reducing wait times and ensuring results are properly routed. 

Should I drink water prior to blood collection?

Yes. Water hydrates your veins. Hydrated veins are easier to find and collect blood from.

Do I need to fast before my blood test is collected?

Fasting means you cannot eat or drink anything for approximately 8-12 hours prior to blood collection. You may drink water or black coffee only. You do not have to fast unless your doctor has ordered a fasting test. Two common tests that often require fasting are glucose (8 hour fast) and lipid panels (12 hour fast).

When will my test results be available?

Many test results are complete within 24 hours however there are numerous tests that take several days to complete due to the complex nature of the tests. Such tests include surgical tissue specimens and bacteria cultures. Lab results are available in eGuthrie after your provider has reviewed your tests.

Do I need to bring anything with me to have my blood test?

If your doctor is not a Guthrie provider, a paper laboratory requisition will be required and current health insurance information. Non-Guthrie providers are encouraged to submit laboratory orders one week prior to specimen collection. Orders may be faxed to Sayre Phlebotomy at 570-887-3904 or emailed to

How do I get a copy of my lab results?

Your laboratory results are available from your eGuthrie account. If you have questions regarding your test results, please contact your ordering physician.

How can I find out if my laboratory orders are on file?

Future orders can be viewed using eGuthrie Upcoming Tests and Procedures or by contacting your Guthrie phlebotomy office who will be able to assist you.

Who do I contact regarding a laboratory bill or a bill from Quest Diagnostics?

Please contact the Guthrie Billing office via your eGuthrie account or by calling the office direct at 1-800-836-9990.

What if I am homebound and need to have my blood collected?

Reach out to your provider to request the service with Guthrie’s phlebotomists. 

Reviewed/Updated: 2/16/2023